Today I spent my session on doing introduction (when meeting people) and exercise on turning nouns to adjectives. In unit 11 of the radio archive, it talked about turning a male noun into a female noun, or into an adjective.
For example:
Étudiant (male student) -> étudiante (female student)
étudiant (adj.)
Français (male French) -> Française (French lady)
Français (adj.)
Canadien (male Canadian) – Canadienne (Canadian lady)
Canadien (adj.)
Belge (Beigian male or lady)
belge (adj.)
The hateful truth
After following the radio archive for 11 sessions, I find myself harder to concentrate on the content. Sometimes, it becomes my background noise, merged with the roaring bus engine. The frequency of rewinding has increased since the completion of the vowels; this has something to do with the increasingly boring reading and repeating content, instead of those lovely songs : (
Inadequate sleep and busy homework have drained most of my energy, I cannot withstand monotonous lesson after a day’s work. More interactive material like the French steps or the is preferred.